Using Muscles Effectively

Lesson 40 : Body Mechanics
Principles Of Body Mechanics

Using Muscles Effectively:

Using muscles effectively includes employing,

  • The strongest muscle feasible,
  • Setting the muscles that are to do the work before contacting the load,
  • Contracting muscles slowly, and
  • Using muscles rhythmically.

For example, leg muscles, being-stronger than back muscles, should be used for lifting loads, This is accomplished by standing or kneeling close to the load and lifting with a slow, steady pull

Study of muscles used in performing work indicates that the smaller muscles become fatigued more quickly than the larger ones, though use of the smaller muscles involves the expenditure of less energy. Hence, in household processes, such as cutting and chopping, the arm muscles should be used instead of those of the hand and wrist.

One more point to be noted concerning muscles itself that, muscles exerts its greatest force when extended, and force diminishes as the muscle shortens. Hence, when lifting a heavy sofa, the legs should be slightly bent before grasping the load.

Last modified: Thursday, 22 March 2012, 11:29 AM