New cultivars of grape

New cultivars of grape

    Arkawati (Black Champa x Thompson Seedless)
    • Bunch is medium in size, yellowish green berry, sweet, TSS 22-25%, seedless berry, suitable for raisin making, fresh table use and making good quality dry and white table and dessert wine. Released in 1980.

    Arka Chitra (Angur Kalan x Anab-e-Shahi)

    • Released in 1994, this is tolerant to powdery mildew, moderately vigorous vine, good yield potential (34kg/vine), Bunch is well filled, medium to large (310g), berry very attractive; golden yellow with pink blush, slightly elongated, large (3.18g), sweet, TSS 20-21ºB, acidity 0.4-0.6%, suitable for table purpose, all the buds are fruitful, suitable for head system of training and gives two crops in a year.

    Arka Hans (Bangalore Blue x Anab-e-Shahi)

    • Released in 1980, bunch is medium in size, berry yellowish green, sweet, TSS 18-21ºB, having foxy flavor seeded cultivar, suitable for making quality wine, resistant to anthracnose.

    Arka Kanchan (Anab-e-Shahi x Queen of the Vineyards)

    • Bunch is large, golden yellow colour berry, ellipsoidal to ovoid, sweet, TSS 17-20ºB, having muscat flaovur, seeded cultivar, suitable for fresh table use and dry white table and dessert wines, released in 1980.

    Arka Krishna (Black Champa x Thompson Seedless)

    • Vigorous vine, good yield potential (30kg/vine), Bunch well filled berry, dark colored, seedless, sweet TSS 20-21ºB, acidity 0.6-0.7%, suitable for head system of training and gives two crops in a year, suitable for juice making, released in 1980.

    Arka Majestic (Angur Kalan x Black Champa)

    • Released in 1994, vine is vigorous, high yield potential (34kg/vine), Bunch is well filled, medium to large (370g) berry deep tan colour, sweet, TSS 18-20ºB, acidity 0.4-6% all the buds are fruitful, suitable for head system of training, it gives two crops in a year. Tolerant to anthracnose.

    Arka Neelamani (Black Champa x Thompson Seedless)

    • Vigorous vine with high yield potential (25kg/vine), bunch well filled, sweet, TSS 20-22ºB,suitable for head system of training, it is good for table purpose and making red desert wine, tolerant to anthracnose, released in 1980.

    Arka Shyam (Bangalore Blue x Black Champa)

    • It was released in 1980, bunch is medium in size, berry bluish black, spherical to ovoid, sweet, TSS 20-25ºB,having mild foxy flavour and seeded, it is good for fresh table use and making dry table, dessert wines and juice, resistant to anthracnose disease.

    Arka Soma (Anab-e-Shahi x Queen of the Vineyards)

    • This variety was released in 1994, vine is vigorous with heavy yield potential (36kg/vine), bunch is well filled large (410g) berry greenish yellow, round to ovoid large (3.8g),sweet, TSS 20-21ºB,acidity 0.5% having muscat flavor, gives two crops in a year, suitable for good white dessert wine.

    Arka Trishna (Bangalore Blue x Convent Large Black)

    • It was released in 1994, it is an improvement over variety Bangalore Blue, vine is vigorous, having high yield potential medium bunch, well filled, very sweet, TSS 22-23ºB, acidity 0.3- 0.4% it is male sterile hybrid, good for wine making suitable for head system of training, resistant to anthracnose and tolerant to downy mildew.

    Arka Sheweta or Shweta Seedless (Anab-e-Shahi x Thompson Seedless)

    • It was released in 1994, moderately vigorous vine, yield potential is about 28kg/vine, bunch is medium, it responds to GA3 application for berry thinning and enlargement, berry seedless, sweet, TSS 18-19ºB, acidity 0.5-0.6%, berry greenish yellow.


    • This variety was collected at ARI (MACS), Pune from the grape germplasm collection maintained at Ganesh Khind Botanical Garden, Pune in 1976. It is a clone of Vitis champini, Vine shows vigorous, spreading and prostrate growth having deep root system. It remains dormant during winter season after October pruning and again grows in February-March under climatic conditions of Maharashtra. This is a potential root stock for growing grape under saline and drought conditions.

    Pusa Navrang (Madeleine Angevine x Rubired)

    • It was released in 1996, it is basal bearing, tenturier (peel and pulp both coloured), seeded cultivar, it is early maturing, suitable for making coloured juice and wine, bunch is loose and medium TSS 19ºB, resistant to anthracnose.

    Pusa Urvashi (Hur x Beauty Seedless)

    • It was released in 1997, it comes in early group, bunch is medium, berry is greenish yellow, TSS 20-22ºB.

Last modified: Saturday, 9 June 2012, 6:00 AM