Breeding methods and achievements

Breeding methods and achievements

    • Most of the cultivars/varieties of pine apple were developed by simple selection of mutant clones within cultivars and by hybridization between cultivars followed by selection from the highly heterozygous progeny. Selection from the Singapore Spanish population in Malaysia had led to a new cultivar, “Masmerah”. It is more vigorous, possessing more leaves, stand more erect and bears heavier fruit than the parent cultivar (Wee, 1974). Several such selections have been made in different pineapple growing areas.


    • A cross between Red Spanish and Cayenne has led to the development of a new hybrid PR-1-67 in Puerto Rico (Remirez, 1970). This hybrid shows better plant vigour and resistance to wilt disease. However, self fertile somatic mutants obtained from cultivar Cayenne show a loss of vigour on selfing and heterosis on crossing. A hybrid (H-7) has been produced by crossing Valera Monendi x Kew. This hybrid produces large fruits, individually weighing on an average 3.0-3.5 kg.


    • Induction of mutation in this crop seems to be quite feasible. However, due to wide natural variation, limited attempts have been made for induced mutations. In Kerala, irradiation of plants of cultivar Kew and Mauritius led to growth retardation and premature suckers. Merz (1964) reported the induction of self fertile mutants by X- ray irradiation of pollen during meiosis. Several morphological mutations were found when 1.0 to 1.5 month old detached slips were treated with chemical mutagens like Ethyl imine-(El), N-Nitroso-N-Methyl Urethane (NMU) and Diethyl Sulphate (DES). One mutant produced spineless plants from cultivar Queen and was economically significant (Singh and Iyer, 1977).
    Biotechnological tools
    • Attempts have been made for rapid multiplication of the plants through micro propagation by using different kinds of explants i.e. leaf base, shoot base, excised lateral buds, meristem tips from crown etc. In the crosses where fertilization fails due to incompatibility, embryo culture technique can help to rescue the hybrid. The genetic transformation of pineapple clones has been attempted with the objective to acquire ability to introduce desirable genes

    Major group and varieties of pineapple

    Cultivars Important Characteristics
    (Brazilian) Abakka, Amarella, Papelon, PinaValera, Sugar Loaf, Venezolana,Vermelho,Yupi Fruit conical in shape, weighing about 1.2 to 1.5kg, yellow rind, pale yellow or white flesh, sweet, tender, and juicy, leaves spiny, disease resistant, grown for fresh domestic consumption.
    Cayenne Boron, Baraonne de Rothschild, Champaka, Cayenne Lisse, Emeralda,Gautemalan,Giant Kew,Hilo Cayenne, Kew, Rothschild, Smooth,St.Micheal Smooth Cayenne,Typhone Fruit shape is cylindrical with a slight upward tapering and flat eyes, most suitable for canning fruit weight is about 1.8 to 3.0 kg. Colour of rind is dark orange and flesh is pale yellow, sweet, mildly acid with low fiber and a tender juicy texture, leaves smooth with few spines near the tip, highly susceptible to mealy bug and wilt, suitable for export
    Vaipure Bumanguesa,Legrija,Maipure,Marquita, Monte Lirio, Perolera, Plamba de, Rondon It is sweeter than the Cayenne, aromatic, fibrous but tender and very juicy, leaves completely smooth, grown for fresh consumption, fruit ovoid to cylindrical in shape, fruit weight is about 0.8-2.9 kg, rind colour is yellow to dark orange or red, flesh is white or deep yellow.
    Queen Alexandria, Bakhat, James, Jhaldhup, MacGregor,Mauritius,
    Fruit shape is conical, weighing about 0.5 to 1.12 kg rind is yellow, flesh is deep yellow, less acidic than Cayenne, sweet, low in fiber, spiny leaves, highly resistant to diseases than the Cayenne.
    Spanish Betek, Cabezona, Castilla, Espanola Roja, Gandol, Green Selangor, Masmerah, Nangka,PRI-67,PRI-56,Red Spanish,Singapore Spanish. Fruit shape is globose, fruit weight is 0.9-1.8 kg rind deep reddish, flesh pale yellow to white with spicy acid taste, fibrous texture, leaves spiny, resistant to mealy bug and wilt, susceptible to gummosis, suitable for export and fresh consumption.

Last modified: Friday, 30 March 2012, 8:29 PM