Structure of bone


Microscopic structure

  • The bone is one of the varieties of connective tissue, consisting of bone cells or osteocytes, parallel rows of fine collagen fibres, which are embedded in the amorphous ground substance.
  • The ground substance or matrix is impregnated with regularly arranged crystals of calcium salts.
  • The deposition of the mineral matter renders the intercellular substance hard and impermeable, forming thin plates or lamellae.

Macroscopical/Gross structure

  • The gross structure of the bone shows differences in the arrangement of these bony lamellae, forming either compact or cancellated bone.

Compact bone

  • It is dense, white and hard and forms the outer shell of a bone. It is found aggregated in portions where there is greatest strain on the bone is exerted.
  • Bone is arranged in the form of concentric system called the Haversian system or Osteone.

Cancellated or Spongy bone

  • It is made up of delicate plates, which intercross each other forming a meshwork with spaces containing marrow.
  • Cancellated bone is found in the epiphyses of long bones and is always covered by a layer of compact bone.
  • Haversian systems are absent.
Last modified: Friday, 13 April 2012, 6:08 AM