

    • The hybrids Trinitarios in cocoa result from natural crosses between Criollo and Forastero types. They are hardier and more productive than Criollo.


    • Self- incompatibility in cocoa is utilized in production of hybrids with specific objectives. Hybrid vigour is established in cocoa. Hybridization programme was started at Vittal in 1980 using selected parents, for high pod yield, dry bean yields, bigger bean size, more fat content and drought tolerance. A comparison of parents and hybrids in progeny trials with 70 cross combinations indicated more vigour in progenies, with positive and significant heterosis.

    Progeny Trial I

    • The parents in the first progeny trial included Upper Amazon collections, Imperial College Selections, Scavina series and Nanay series. Hybrid NA-33 x ICS -89 excelled in pod and bean yield.

    Progeny Trial II

    • It had a total of 17 hybrids and their parents. Hybrid I-56 x II – 67 gave the maximum pod and bean yield, followed by I-14 x I-56 and I-56 x III-35.

    Progeny Trial III

    • It involved Malaysian hybrids and bulk Forasteros. Hybrids ICS-6 x SCA-6, ICS-6 x SCA-12, IMC-67 x ICS-6 and Amelonado x Na 33 are consistent yielders with quality beans.

    Progeny Trial IV

    • Nine hybrids with their seven parents were evaluated for yield and drought tolerance. Hybrids II-67 x NC-29/66 and II-67 x NC-42/94 registered the highest pod index with advantageous physiological and biochemical components.These hybridization works resulted in development of varieties which are vigorous, early, heavy bearing, stable yielders VTLCH -1, 2, 3 and 4 standard bean characters. These are suitable for cultivation in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Maharashtra and North Eastern states.

Last modified: Sunday, 1 April 2012, 4:21 PM