


  • It has two digits -the third and fourth are fully developed and have three phalanges and three sesamoids each.
  • The second and the fifth are vestiges and are known as accessory digits or dew claws.
  • These are placed behind the fetlock. Each accessory digit contains one or two small phalanges, which do not articulate with the rest of the skeleton


Sheep and Goat


  • There is only one digit - the third and it consists of three phalanges and three sesamoids.


  • Two chief digits (the third and fourth) consist of three phalanges each.
  • There are two accessory digits and the numbers of phalanges in each are similar to that of the chief digits.


  • There are five digits.
  • The third and the fourth digits are the longest.
  • The firstdigit has two phalanges and does not come in contact with the ground.
  • The rest have three phalanges each.


  • There are five digits.
  • The first is the shortest and the third is the longest.
  • The first digit has two phalanges and the rest have three each.


  • There are three digits.
  • The first and the second digits have two phalanges each.
  • The third digit has one phalanx.
  • Sesamoids are absent.
Last modified: Friday, 15 June 2012, 8:28 AM