Bones of the pelvic limb


The general designations for the different parts of the pelvic limb and bones present given below.

  • Pelvic girdle and hip region : Ilium, ischium, and pubis
  • Thigh : Femur
  • Leg : Tibia & fibula
  • Pes : Consisting of
    • Tarsus: A number of small bones called tarsals arranged in the domestic mammals in three rows.
    • Metatarsus: Typically consisting of five bones designated only by numbers 1 to 5, but showing considerable modifications in different animals.
    • Digits: These form the terminal parts of the limbs and usually correspond to the number of the fully developed metacarpals. These are also designated by numbers 1 to 5. Each digit is composed of a number of bones arranged serially called the phalanges. The number of phalanges may vary (from 1 to 5) within the species and also in different digits of the same species.
Last modified: Friday, 13 April 2012, 6:55 AM