Pterygoid bone



  • They are thin plates of bones situated on either side of the posterior nares located over the perpendicular parts of the palatine bones.
  • This medial face forms part of the lateral wall of the posterior nares.
  • The lateral face meets the palatine and the subsphenoidal process of the sphenoid.
  • The extreme upper part of this face forms the pterygoid or vidian canal with the sphenoid.
  • The lower extremity is free and forms a curved process the hamulus pterygoideus around which the tendon of the tensor palati is reflected.


  • Shorter and narrower. 
  • The lateral surface articulates with the palatine, vomer and sphenoid, concurring with last in the formation of the pterygoid canal.


  • It is wide quadrilateral and short.


  • It is rod shaped and extends between the rostrum of the sphenoid medially and quadrate bone laterally.
Last modified: Friday, 13 April 2012, 10:00 AM