Methodology for Surveillance
Methodology for Surveillance
- The surveillance programme encompasses (i) fixed plot survey and (ii) roving survey. The fixed plot and roving surveys involve the in situ assessment of pests and diseases in the standing crop. The supporting methodology includes observations on the activity of pests by setting up light traps, pheromone traps, spore traps, etc. The weather parameters of the respective areas are also recorded to study their influence on the pests and diseases. The observations on the pests and diseases cover their alternate cultivated host crops and weed host plants.
A. Fixed Plot Survey
- Two fields of about 1 acre in size are selected in two different villages in the jurisdiction of each Agricultural Officers. Five micro plots each of the size of one square metre area are fixed in each field. These micro plots are laid one each in four quarters of the field and one in the middle. The micro plots should be fixed about 10 metres away from the bunds. The observations for most of the pests are confined to five micro plots in each field.
B.Roving Survey
- The roving survey is conducted every week at the rate of two fields in each of the four villages in the jurisdiction of each Agricultural Officers (T&V). In each field, observations are recorded from the south west corner by a diagonal walk.
Last modified: Saturday, 25 February 2012, 6:36 PM