1. Burrowing nematode

1. Burrowing nematode - Radapholus similis

    • The nematode in banana cause black-head toppling disease.
    • At the bearing stage toppling of trees is an obvious symptom of attack due to root rot.
    • The feeding of nematodes causes discoluration of cortex.
    • The wounding cause’s discolouration as a result reddish brown cortical lesions develop.
    • Both roots and corm of the plants are attacked and the necrosis decrease the root system to a few short stubs, reduction in the leaf size, yellowing of leaves and reduction in bunch weight.
    • The trees succumb to winds and yield loss up to 39 per cent has been recorded due to nematodes.
    Lesions on roots
    Lesions on roots

    Lesions on suckers
    Lesions on suckers

    Toppled plants in field
    Toppled plants in field
    • Remove the nematode affected plants along with corm from the field and burn it.
    • Pre -treat the suckers (Paring and pralinage) with carbofuran 3 G after removing the discoloured portions.
    • The suckers and dipped in the clay slurry and 40 g of carbofuran granules are sprinkled over the surface and planted.
    • Dip the suckers in 0.05 % solution (1.5 ml / litre of water) of monocrotophos 36 WSC at the time of planting.
    • Apply carbofuran granules @ 10-20 gm/ plant around the pseudostem two months after planting.

Last modified: Monday, 6 February 2012, 11:31 PM