Agricultural and Food Research Council (A.F.R.C.) standard


  • In United Kingdom a technical committee was set up to develop the standards in 1959, by the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), which later came to be known as Agricultural and Food Research Council (AFRC).
  • Between 1960 and the mid-1980s, feeding standards in the United Kingdom were drawn up by research scientist and then translated into practical manuals by extension workers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (MAFF) and associated governmental and commercial organizations .
  • In 1983 AFRC set up a single organisation for the UK, Technical committee on Responses to Nutrients (TCORN) and this became responsible for both revising the standards and producing practical manuals.
  • Requirements are set forth in three separate reports dealing with poultry, ruminants and pigs, each of these reports are extensive summaries of the literatures upon which the requirements are based.
  • The unit of energy requirements has been expressed in terms of Starch equivalent instead of T.D.N. or ME or NE as in Morrison and in N.R.C. standards.
Last modified: Sunday, 13 November 2011, 4:53 AM