Ecological status of grasslands
In one end we find climax evergreen forests and on the other end deserts. Green land occupies an intermediary position. Scientific management of grasslands is based upon ecological principles. Ecology is defined as the science which deals with the inter relationship of plants with their environment.
Plant ecology seeks to find out the loss governing the development of vegetation in different habitats and environments. This knowledge can be utilized to make natural resources serve the requirement of livestock nutrition in an efficient way.
In the development of the natural vegetation, there is a relationship between the soil and vegetation that grows upon it. Soil is the end product of the action of both the climate and the vegetation upon the parent rock material and all soils develop ultimately into a climax soil type which is in equilibrium with the climate and other environmental factors.
At each stage of soil formation and development, there is a corresponding stage of vegetational development. This development if left undisturbed, end in either a forest climax or grassland climax depending on the climatic conditions.
The final type of vegetation is termed as a 'climax' in ecological nomenclature. Grassland can thus be a climatic climax or sub climax and may also rise as a result of disturbances in the forest climax.
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Last modified: Friday, 26 August 2011, 10:03 AM