Design of Stores
Building for the storage of feeds and feed ingredients must be watertight. The roof walls, doors, windows and floor must be leakproof.
The floor must not transmit water vapour from the soil. Doors, windows should be sealable in order to permit control of ventilation.
Building must have devices to protect against the entry of rats and mice and birds (gaps between roof and walls should be sealed with local mud, sheet metal or close netting).
Pipes, shafts, ducts etc. should be fitted with wide metal guards outside and netting inside.
Essential criteria for safe storage of products
Entirely weather proof.
Gas tight to enable fumigation of entire contents.
Fitted with controllable ventilation.
Proof against entry of rodents and birds.
Free from light transmitting areas in the roof in order to avoid high temperature areas on top of stored produce.
Designed to permit incorporation of few fans in the walls and ducting on the floor for special storage requirement.
Last modified: Monday, 1 August 2011, 6:20 AM