Efficient feed ration
In formulating the most efficient and economic ration for livestock, one must select ingredients that supply basic animal requirements - energy, protein, minerals and vitamins to maintain the growth, yield and health of the animals.
Initially farmers relied almost entirely upon food grains and roughage grown on the farm to feed their livestock. Now it is discovered that the byproducts of milling, meat packing, oil seed processing and other processing industries had considerable feed value as they not only contain substantial amount of protein but also furnish minerals and vitamins lacking in the feed grains and roughages.
Use of non-conventional raw materials for animal feeding is thought of, which not only helps to reduce the feed cost, but also helps to conserve food grains and other material for human consumption. eg: Oil cakes, brans, husks, wastes from dal mills, slaughter houses, etc.
Usually the ration for the animals consists of green fodder , dry fodder and concentrates. The green and dry fodders can be from cereals or grasses and also legumes.
Dry fodder refers to the dried crop after removal of the grains such as Paddy straw, Wheat straw, Maize stalk, Sorghum stalk etc., Concentrates are the crop by products such as groundnut oil cake, cotton seed cake, sesamum oil cake etc.
A concentrate is prepared by mixing different ingredients to meet the animal needs. These would be grains, cakes, some bran and other items along with essentials like mineral mixture, salt, etc.
Depending on the availability and economics, any one can be chosen. Quantities of green fodder, dry fodder and concentrates to be fed per cattle per day is very important . This is decided based on the type of cattle, its daily nutritional requirements and milk yield.
Last modified: Monday, 1 August 2011, 7:46 AM