The Sanskrit word Panchakavya means “mixture of five products” and it has been used in traditional Hindu rituals throughout history. In recent years panchakavya has found a prominent position in the context of organic farming.
Panchakavya is a concoction prepared by mixing five products of cow. The three direct constituents are
The two derived products are curd and ghee. These are mixed in proper ratio and then allowed to ferment and used.
Panchakavya is said to have miraculous effects on plants, animals and human beings. It can act as growth promoter and immunity booster. It enhances the shelf life of vegetables, fruits and grains but also improves the taste.
The present form of Panchakavya is an organic input, which acts as a growth promoter and immunity booster.
Gobar gas slurry
4 kg
Fresh cowdung
Cow’s urine
3 litres
Cow’s milk
2 litres
Cow’s curd
2 litres
Cow’s ghee
Sugarcane juice
3 litres
Ripe bananas
12 nos.
Tender coconut water
3 litres
Toddy (if available)
2 litres
This will make about 20 litres of Panchakavya .
The concoction is stored in a wide mouthed earthern pot or concrete tank kept covered with a cotton cloth and placed in an open area. Sufficient shade should be provided and the contents should be stirred twice a day both in the morning and in the evening.
The methane gas likely to generate inside gets released while stirring. In seven days, the modified Panchakavya will be ready. Panchakavya is diluted to 3% and sprayed on crops to get the best results.
Last modified: Wednesday, 17 August 2011, 10:38 AM