Femoral artery


  • This is the main arterial trunk of the thigh.

  • It continues the external iliac artery below the level of the pubis descends in the femoral canal in company with the vein and saphenous nerve passes underneath the lower part of gracilis over the vastus medialis.
  • On the posterior face of the femur, it dips in between the two heads of the gastrocnemius and is continued as the popliteal artery.

Collateral branches

  • Anterior femoral artery arises from the anterior face of the femoral artery passes outwards, downward and forwards to supply the four heads of the quadriceps muscle and the articularis genu. Muscular branches to pectineus, sartorius, gracilis, vastus medialis and semimembranosus.
  • Saphenous artery is given off about the middle of its course through the femoral canal.
  • It becomes superficial by emerging between the lower parts of sartorius and gracilis passes down in company with the saphenous vein and saphenous nerve on the medial face of the leg. On reaching the hollow of the hock, it divides into medial and lateral tarsal arteries.
  • It supplies branches to sartorius, gracilis and cutaneous branches of the skin.
    • The lateral tarsal artery is smaller and it passes outwards and contributes towards the formation of the rete tarsi dorsale.
    • The medial tarsal artery passes down in company with the tibial nerve along the deep flexor tendon and divides into medial and lateral plantar arteries.
    • The lateral plantar artery is smaller and it passes down under the deep fascia of the metatarsus and is continued down as the lateral plantar superficial metatarsal artery. This gives a branch to the distal plantar arch and is continued as the lateral digital artery for the lateral digit.
    • The medial plantar artery is larger and it passes down the tarsal sheath along the medial border of the deep flexor tendon passes under the deep fascia of the metatarsus gives off a branch to the proximal plantar arch and is continued down as the medial plantar superficial metatarsal artery. At the lower part this furnishes branches to the distal plantar arch and is continued down as the medial digital artery for the medial digit.
  • Posterior femoral artery is a large vessel, which marks the lower limit of the femoral artery.
  • It divides into superior and inferior branches and the former ascends between the semimembranosus and biceps femoris and supplies these muscles while the latter accompanies the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and supplies it.
Last modified: Monday, 17 October 2011, 5:45 AM