Fertility and hatchability
- Refers to capacity to reproduce. It is the factor, which determines the successful offspring that may be obtained from a given number of eggs.
Factors influencing fertility
- Sex Ratio
- Age of breeders
- Length of duration between mating
- Diseases and management practices.
- Fertility is expressed as % of fertile eggs in a set of total eggs incubated.
- Fecundity-Producing many offspring.
- Fecundate – To fertilize
Is defined in two ways
Refers to the % of chicks hatched to the eggs set.
Size, shape and condition of egg shell are important for hatching. Very large and very small eggs do not hatch well.
Eggs having abnormal shape show low heritability.
Condition and duration of storage of eggs prior to incubation as well as setter and hatcher environment affect hatchability (or) The quality of fertilized egg to produce normal embryonic development with normal emergence of the young when incubated.
Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 6:12 AM