Deworming and dipping
In general, growers reared on deep litter suffer from round worm infestation of the intestines and sometimes with tape worms also, especially if the farm is located around wet fields
As a routine, the birds may be dewormed between 16-18 weeks of age and a few days before they are to be transferred to laying cages. Otherwise, the worms eat upon the feed consumed by the birds, bring down their health status which may hamper onset of laying of eggs
Piperazine, robendol, levamisole, thiobendazole, zodex etc, are the drugs used to remove round worms while panacur, taenil, helmonil, dicestal etc., are used against tape worms at recommended dosage levels. Stop watering for two hours and then allow limited levels of medicated water to ensure that the required dosage of medicines is consumed by the birds without any wastage through left-over water
Dipping in 0.25% sumithion, malathion or sevin solutions or Spraying may be carried out whenever the infestation of ectoparasites is noticed and preferably on hot/sunny days. Take care to avoid dipping head into the medicated solution
Leave the birds outside after dipping to facilitate drying under sunlight
External parasite infestation may be prevented by having solid floor without cracks, painting the wooden supports with petrol oil mixture or 40% Nicotin sulphate
Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 6:20 AM