

Indian Chicken Breeds



  • The literal meaning of Aseel is real or pure.
  • Aseel is well known for its pugnacity, high stamina, majestic gait and dogged fighting qualities.
  • The name Aseel appears to have been given to this indigenous breed because of its inherent qualities of fighting. The remarkable endurance of an Aseel even during the most critical stages of fight is proverbial as it prefers death to dishonour. The Aseel is, therefore, known to every game lovers all over the world for these specific characteristics.
  • Andhra Pradesh is said to be the home of this important breed. The best specimen of this breed, although rare, are encountered with the fanciers and the people engaged in cock-fighting show through out the country.
  • Aseel is larger inbuilt with noble looking and dignified appearance. A good specimen of an Aseel cock usually measure 28 inches from back to toe.
  • The standard weight varies from 3 to 4 kg for cocks and 2 to 3 kg for hens. Pea comb are also occasionally encountered. The wattles are rudimentary and almost imperceptible. The beak is short and well curved. The face is long and not covered with feathers. The eyes are compact, wells et and present bold looks. The neck is long, uniformly thick but not fleshy.
  • The general feathering is close, scanty and almost absent on the breast. The plumage has practically no fluff and the feathers are tough. The tail is small and the legs are strong, straight, clean and set well apart. The birds as a rule present upright material gait suggestive of strength and alertness. Aseel is larger in built with noble looking and dignified appearance.

Performance Profile

  • Body weight at 20 weeks (g) 1220
  • Annual egg production (number) 92
  • Egg weight at 40 week (g) 50
  • Fertility (%) 66
  • Hatchability FES (%) 63
Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 4:26 AM