Fabrication of beef carcasses


  • Beef carcass before cutting, it is split into two halves or sides of beef carcass.
  • The side of beef carcass consists of one fore and one hind quarter from each side equally matched.
  • Separating the sides between the 12th and 13th rib, where the 13th rib remains on the hindquarter – this is also known as ribbing/quartering, produces the fore and hindquarters.
  • The thymus, mediastinal tissue and heart fat are usually removed from the beef carcass when shipped.
  • The diaphragm may be removed, if not, the tendinous portion is trimmed down to the lean muscle tissue.
  • The lamb or mutton carcass is the entire un-split dressed carcass with the heart, liver and lungs (Pluck), spleen and caul fat removed.
  • The diaphragmatic muscles and gullet may or may not be removed from the carcass.
  • A veal carcass is an unsplit dressed carcass without hide. The heart fat is usually trimmed. The diaphragmatic muscles and gullet may or may not be removed from the carcass.
  • The hog carcasses when dressed by Packer Style the head, liver, heart, lungs and kidneys are removed. The leaf fat is removed along with the most of the lumbar, pelvic and heart fat. The jowl remains intact with the carcass.
  • The process of dividing of chilled carcass into various commercial parts is referred to as the cutting operation or fabrication of carcasses of food animals.

Steps for making wholesale cuts of beef carcass

  • The right side of beef carcass is known as in CLOSED OR TIGHT SIDE (Kidney close) and the left side as the OPEN SIDE (Kidney free).
  • Each side is made into different cuts as outlined below.

Step 1: Ribbing or quartering

  • The beef side is separated into forequarter and hind quarter by making cut between the 12th and 13th rib, leaving the last rib on the hindquarter (Chicago style).
  • This procedure is known as “Ribbing” or “Quartering”.

Step 2: Wholesale cuts of forequarter

  • The posterior RIB and PLATE portion is separated from the anterior CHUCK, BRISKET and SHANK complex by cutting between 5th and 6th ribs.
  • The upper RIB is separated from the lower PLATE by a straight and parallel cut to the backbone by joining the two points at the loin and chuck ends. These points are located at a distance of 8 inches from their respective protruding edges of chine.
  • The chunk, brisket and shank complex are placed on the table with rib side down. The SHANK is removed by cutting parallel to the underline and just dorsal to the prominence (lateral condyle of the humerus) on the lower extremity of the humerus.
  • The cutting is continued through the breastbone and lower ends of ribs from the point of shank and parallel to back bone and BRISKET is removed. This can also be separated by a cut that is perpendicular to the 4th rib at a point about 4 cm proximal to the olecranon process of the elbow.
  •  The large thick square cut remaining is CHUCK.

Step 3: Wholesale cuts of hindquarters 

  • The kidneys along with their adjoining fat are removed leaving very little fat on the tenderloin and it is known as “KIDNEY KNOB’. 
  • The FLANK is removed by cutting from a point immediately ventral to the aitchbone and following the natural seam until the thick muscle of the flank is reached and then making a straight cut to a point about one and a half inches below eye muscle.
  • The ROUND is separated from the LOIN by cutting at a point about one and half inches anterior to the aitch bone and parallel to the rib end of loin. This cut usually removes a section from the half of the femur, about the size of a silver dollar.
  • If desired, the RUMP can be divided from the ROUND by making a cut immediately parallel and ventral to aitchbone.
  • The cut left out is the LOIN.
  • The loin is usually divided into anterior and posterior section at the anterior tip of the hip and between the lumbar and sacral vertebrae. The posterior third portion containing the hip bone (ilium) is known as the SIR LOIN and the anterior portion containing five lumbar and one thoracic vertebrae is known as SHORTLION.

Percentage of wholesale cuts of beef carcass

Forequarter ( 51%)  Hindquarter (49%)
Rib 9.0% Kidney Knob 4.0%
Plate 9.5%  Flank 4.0%
Shank 4.0%  Loin 17.5%
Brisket 4.5% Round 23.5%
Chuck 24.0%

  • In the U.S. in order to provide the traditional cuts demanded by the public there are different methods of cutting of beef.
  • The latest standardisation in cutting beef exists through Middle West, West and South West where the method is Western or Chicago style of cutting the beef.
  • The Eastern Sea bound states use a method known as Eastern or New York style of cutting the beef.
  • In Chicago method of cutting the quartering is done by dividing between 12th and 13th ribs and leaving one rib in hindquarter.
  • In New York method of cutting also the quartering is done by leaving one rib in the hindquarter.
  • In Boston method of cutting the quartering allows three ribs on the hindquarter.
  • In Philadelphia method of cutting all the ribs are left in the forequarter. 
Last modified: Thursday, 16 September 2010, 5:43 AM