1. Giant African snail Achatina fulica

1. Giant African snail - Achatina fulica

    • The snails are found in betelvine gardens by clinging to the lower and protected surface of the leaves of supporting plants.
    • They feed on sprouted buds, leaves, outer layers of the stem of betelvine and supporting trees.
    • The supporting plants are also damaged.
    • They also feed upon bodies of dead snails of their own species.
    • The snails are large in size, bisexual with shell and weigh about 110-150 gm.
    • The shell is about 7-15 cm long and brown in colour.
    • Its infestation is high during rainy and winter season.
    • It lays eggs during the rainy season, 2 to 4 weeks after mating in the soil surface or just below, it is batches of up to 200 at a time.
    • They hatch after about a week and young ones take about nine months to mature.
    • The adult live for three or four years and each can lay about 1000 eggs during its life time.
    • Search the hiding places of snails, collect and destroy.
    • Heap the gunnybags near the fences of the cropped areas to attract the snails, collect and kill them.
    • Spread metaldyhide pellets 5% over the field to attract and kill the snails.

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 7:37 PM