Control methods

Control methods

    • The control methods of stored produce pests can be categorized into preventive and curative measures.
    A. Preventive measures
    • Brush the cracks, crevices and corners to remove all debris in the godown.
    • Clean and maintain the threshing floor / yard free from insect infection and away from the vicinity of villages.
    • Clean the machines like harvester and thresher before their use.
    • Made the trucks, trolleys or bullock carts free from infestation.
    • Clean the godowns/storage structures before storing the newly harvested crop to eliminate various bio stages of pest hiding.
    • Provide a metal sheet upto a height of 25 cm at the bottom of the wood in doors to arrest the entry of rats.
    • Fix up wire meshes to windows, ventilators, gutters, drains etc. to prevent entry of rats, birds and squirrels.
    • Remove and destroy dirt, rubbish, sweepings and webbings etc. from the stores.
    • Close all the rat burrows found in godown with a mixture of broken glass pieces and mud and plastered with mud / cement.
    • Plaster the cracks, crevices, holes found on walls, and floors with mud or cement and white wash the stores before storing of grains.
    • Provide dunnage leaving gangway or alleyway of 0.75 to 1 m all around to maintain good storage condition.
    • Store the food grains in rat and moisture proof storage structures.
    • Disinfest the storage structures receptacles by spraying malathion 50 EC @ 3 lit 100 m before their use.
    B. Curative measures
    i. Ecological methods
    • Manipulate the ecological factors like temperature, moisture content, and oxygen through design and construction of storage structures/godown and storage to create ecological conditions unfavorable for attack by insects.
    • Temperature above 42oC and below 15oC retards reproduction and development of insect while prolonged temperature above 45oC and below 10oC may kill the insects.
    • Dry the produce to have moisture content below 10% to prevent the buildup of pests.
    • Kill the pests bio stages horboured in the storage bags, bins etc. by drying in the sun light.
    • Store the grains at around 10% moisture content to escape from the insects attack.
    • Manipulate and reduce oxygen level by 1% to increase the CO2 level automatically, which will be lethal to all the stages of insects.
    ii. Physical methods
    • Provide a super heating system by infrared heaters in the floor mills and food processing plant to obtain effective control of pests since mostly the stored produce insects' die at 55-60oC in 10-20 minutes.
    • Modify the storage atmosphere to generate low oxygen (2.4% and to develop high carbon dioxide (9.0 - 9.5) by adding CO2 to controls the insects.
    Seed purpose
    • Mix 1 kg of activated kaolin (or) lindane 1.3 D (or) Malathion 5 D for every 100 kg of seed and store / pack in gunny or polythene lined bags.
    Grain purpose
    • Mix 1 kg activated kaolin for every 100 kg of grain and store. To protect the pulse grains, mix activated kaolin at the above dosage or any one of the edible oils at 1 kg for every 100 kg of grin or mix 1 kg of neem seed kernel for every 100 kg of cereal or pulse and store.
    • Do not mix synthetic insecticides with grains meant for consumption.
    iii. Cultural methods
    • Split and store pulses to escape from the attack by pulse beetle since it prefers to attack whole pulses and not split ones.
    • Store the food grains in airtight sealed structures to prevent the infestation by insects.
    iv. Mechanical methods
    • Sieve and remove all broken grains to eliminate the condition which favour storage pests.
    • Stitch all torn out bags before filling the grains.
    v. Chemical methods
    • Treat the walls, dunnage materials and ceilings of empty godown with Malathion 50 EC 10 ml / 1 (or) DDVP 76 WSC 7 ml / 1 at 31 spray solution / 10 sq.m.
    • Treat the alleways and gangways with Malathion 50 EC 10 ml / 1 or DDVP 76 WSC 7 ml / 1 (1 litre of spray fluid / 270 M3).
    • Spray Malathion 50 EC 10 ml / 1 @ 3 1 of spray fluid / 100 M2 over the bags.
    • Do not spray the insecticides directly on food grains.
    • Use knock down chemicals like lindane smoke generator or fumigant strips pyrethrum spray to kill the flying insects and insects on surfaces, cracks and crevices.
    • Use seed protectants like pyrethrum dust, carbaryl dust to mix with grains meant for seed purpose only.
    • Decide the need for shed fumigation based on the intensity of infestation.
    • Check the black polythene sheets or rubberized aluminum covers for holes and get them ready for fumigation.
    • Use EDB ampoules (available in different sizes of 3 ml, 6 ml, 10 ml, 15 ml and 30 ml) at 3 ml / quintal. At for wheat the pulses and 5 ml / quintal for rice and paddy (Do not recommend EDB for fumigation of flour oil seeds and moist grains).
    • Use EDCT (available in tin containers of 500 ml, 1 liter and 5 litres) at 30-40 litres / 100 cubic meter in large-scale storage and 55 ml/quintal in small-scale storage.
    • Use fumigants like Ethylene dibromide (EDB), Ethylene dichloride carbon tetra chloride (EDCT), Aluminium phosphide (ALP) to control stored produce pests effectively.
    • Apply Aluminium phosphide (available in 0.6 g and 3 gram tablets) @ 2 tablets (3 gram each) per tonne of food grains lot with help of an applicator.
    • Choose the fumigant and work out the requirement based on the following guidelines.
    • 3 tablets of aluminum phosphide 3 g each per tonne of grain (For cover fumigation)
    • 21 tablets of aluminium phosphide 3 g each for 28 cubic meters (For shed fumigation)
    • Period of fumigation is 5 days.
    • Mixclay or red earth with water and make it into a paste form and keep it ready for plastering all round the fumigation cover or keep ready sand snakes (For cover fumigation).
    • Place the required number of aluminium phosphide tablets in between the bags in different layer.
    • Cover the bags immediately with fumigation cover.
    • Plaster the edges of cover all round with wet red earth or clay plaster or weigh down with sand sankes to make leak proof.
    • Keep the bags for a period of 5 - 7 days under fumigation based on fumigant chosen.
    • Remove the mud plaster after specified fumigation periods and lift cover in the corner to allow the residual gas to escape.
    • Lift the cover after few hours to allow aeration.







Last modified: Friday, 27 January 2012, 11:24 PM