Sanitation programme


  • It includes the following
    • Adequate ventilation.
    • Proper lighting.
    • Adequate drainage.
    • Proper cleaning.
    • Proper disinfection.
  • Losses among livestock from infectious diseases and parasites, often can be prevented if the following essential features of adequate sanitation are adopted in the living quarters:
    • Proper ventilation without drafts and without accumulation of moisture on walls and ceiling.
    • Proper disposal of manure, feed wastes and other excreta twice daily and keeping manure pit covered with straw to prevent breeding place of files.
    • Proper construction of smooth and wide enough gutter for holding accumulated droppings and with proper slope to facilitate drainage of liquid excreta.
    • Watering and feeding utensils so constructed that they may be easily cleaned and thoroughly disinfected.
    • Good lighting programme through doors, windows, ventilation and artificial lights to facilitate proper cleaning and keeping floor dry.
    • Smooth inside walls with corners rounded to facilitate cleaning and disinfection.
    • Use of proper and clean bedding material (e.g. saw-dust, wheat bhusa, paddy straw etc.) and removed at least once daily.
    • Avoiding use of permanent pastures where internal parasites or their intermediate hosts are found.
    • Judicious use of such insecticides that have no adverse physiological effects on the animal body e.g malathion dust.
    • Adequate cleaning prior to effective disinfection.
    • Sweeping and scrubbing all feed racks, troughs and passages and disinfecting with lye solution.
    • Burning of all sweepings and scrapings.
    • Application of heavy consisting of white-wash containing a reliable disinfectant to the floors, walls and partitions, managers etc. (1/2 kg of lime in one gallon of water +disinfectant).
    • In case of mud floor, a top of 12 to 15 cm soil is removed and replaced with clean soil.
    • Providing plenty of shade in hot weather.
    • Routine programme of deworming specially for animals on pasture.
    • Judicious spraying for lice and mange.
    • Segregating the sick animals.
    • Protecting feed and water from being contaminated with sewage disposals.
    • Proper disposal of infected litter and carcass.
    • Proper cleaning and disinfection of calving pens.
    • Abundant supply of clean water with good pressure for easy and effective cleaning of milking parlours etc.
    • Barns and stalls must be constructed with concrete metal stanchion which are easier to clean than wood.
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 11:31 AM