Caecum is a wide sacculus long tube and occupies the whole of the ventral part of the right half of the abdominal cavity
Length is about 55cm and possesses about 25 sacculations
It remains coiled on itself and there fore comprises first, second, third and a blind terminal part
The terminal part is slender and devoid of sacculations. This part is known as vermiform appendix
Average diameter of the caecum is about 3cm
The colon has an ascending part, a transverse part and a descending part
Ascending colon begins from the base of the caecum in the form of a sacculated wide tube
First 8-9 cm of ascending part bears taenae and sacculations on its wall
The transverse colon is small and continues backward as descending colon
It has constrictions and dilatations due to the presence of fecal balls in it
Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 12:55 PM