Spermatic cord
It begins at the abdominal inguinal ring where all the constituent structures come together, passes through the inguinal canal and passes over the side of the penis and ends at the attached border of the testicle
It consists of the following structures,
Internal Spermatic arteries
Spermatic veins, which form pampiniform plexus around the artery
Internal Spermatic nerves run with artery
Lymphatics accompanying the veins
Internal cremaster muscle
Of these, the first four structures are gathered into a round mass, which forms the cranial part of the cord
They are united by connective tissue interspersed with the internal cremaster muscle
The ductus deferens forms the postero-medial part of the cord
It is enclosed in a special fold of tunica vaginalis, hence it is not visible laterally
Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 1:45 PM