


Ventral aspect

  • Observe sternocephalicus consisting of sternomandibularis and sternomastoideus and sternothyrohyoideus consisting of thyroid and hyoid bands, omohyoideus, scalenus consisting of scalenus dorsalis and scalenus ventralis, rectus capitis ventralis major, minor and lateralis, intertransversales colli and longus colli
  • Observe roots of phrenic nerve related to scalenus ventralis
  • Jugular furrow: Its upper boundary is formed by lower part of brachiocephalicus, lower boundary is formed by sternomandibularis and medial boundary is formed by sternomastoideus
  • Carotid sheath showing common carotid artery, vagosympathetic trunk and recurrent laryngeal nerves on right side while on left side recurrent laryngeal nerve is not in carotid sheath but travels along ventral aspect of oesophagus
  • Trachea, oesophagus, thyroid, cervical portion of thymus
  • Ventral branch of spinal accessory nerve supplying sternocephalicus, branches of cervical spinal nerves and roots of brachial plexus

Lateral cervical group

  • First layer
    • Trapezius, (observe termination of spinal accessory nerve under this muscle) and brachiocephalicus
  • Second Layer
    • Omotransversarius (initial portion of spinal accessory nerve can be observed between brachiocephalicus and omotransversarius) Rhomboideus and serratus cervicis
  • Third Layer
    • Spleneus
  • Fourth Layer
    • Longissimus capitis et atlantis, complexus (chief extensor muscle of head and neck), multifidus cervicis, obliques capitis anterior and posterior, rectus capitis dorsalis major and minor
  • Ligamentum nuchae with its dorsal funicular (paired) and ventral lamellar portion (anterior – paired and posterior parts)
Last modified: Saturday, 21 April 2012, 8:19 AM