Development - current concepts


Development means development of men, the satisfaction of their basic needs –food, shelter, clothing and access to safe drinking water, sanitation, public transport, health and educational facilities (ILO, 1976).

Under development means denial of basic needs to the people while enhancing the material returns to the dominant groups.

Development will necessarily involve the use of physical, financial and human resources. The use of resources will depend on who controls the available resources and how decisions are made affecting their use.

Human (Personal) Development

  • Development in any meaningful sense must begin with and within the individuals. Unless motivation comes from within, efforts to promote change will not be sustainable by the individual. The individual will remain under the power of others.
  • It is process by which an individual develops self-respect and becomes more self-confident, self-reliant, cooperative and tolerant of others through becoming aware of his/her shortcomings as well as his/her potential for positive change.

Economic development

  • It is a process by which people through their own individual and/or joint efforts boost production for direct consumption and have a surplus to sell for cash.

Political development

  • If development is to truly benefit the people, then the political structure must be responsive to their needs and aspirations as well as protect their rights and their property. The people have to acquire political power in order
    • to participate in decision making at local level and to choose their own leaders.
    • to Plan and share power democratically.
    • to create and allocate communal resources equitably and efficiently among individual groups.

Social development

  • It refers to those investments and services carried out or provided by a community for the mutual benefit of the people of that community whether as a village; a district or a nation. These services include health, education, water, energy, transport, communication. No social development is without cost.

Buiding development

  • The relationship between social, economic and political development can be illustrated as two columns representing economic and political development and a girder representing social development where the girder is dependent upon the support of the two columns which in turn rest upon a foundation of personal(human) development.

  • Development is a complex and slow moving process involving people on the one hand and the factors of production and organization on the other.
Last modified: Thursday, 3 May 2012, 10:38 AM