

  • Learning is a process through which the learner gains knowledge or by which he changes his behaviour through his own effort and experiences. Learning occurs out of the application of the knowledge gained by the learner and through his own experience.
  • Research revealed that people learn 1 % through taste, 1.5 % through touch, 3.5 %through smell, 11 % through hearing and 83 % through sight. Edgar Dales’ Cone of experience as modified by Sheal (1989) provides a linkage between learning activity and participants’ involvement in the process of learning.
  • It illustrates that people tend to remember 10 % of what they read, 20 % of what they hear and through 30 percent what they see, 50 percent of what they hear and see, 70 percent of what they say and 90 percent of what they say and do.

Cone of experience

Last modified: Monday, 30 April 2012, 12:16 PM