

  • IRDP is to provide suitable income generating assets through a mix of subsidy and credit to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families with a view to bring them above the poverty line.
  • It aims generally at the attainment of the following three objectives
    • Economic development, which ensures overcoming the vicious circle of poverty, a major hindrance to social security and stability. This includes raising productivity of the rural people and thus increasing their income, ensuring equitable distribution of income and participation in economic activity and productive employment by all sectors, properly utilizing local resources including the management of land, improving basic social and economic infrastructure and encouraging popular participation in decision making by all the sectors of the community.
    • Social development, which aims at effecting, desired social change at a speed that commensurate with the development of material resources.
    • Educational and cultural development, which aims at equipping the rural population with the means to attain the goal of economic and social development.

Last modified: Monday, 4 October 2010, 5:42 AM