Choice of audio-visual aids


  • Audio-visual aids are used singly or in combination with other aids and extension methods.
  • The extension agent should be well conversant about the audio-visual aids and acquire sufficient skill in handling them, before using them in extension programmes.

The choice of audio-visual aids shall depend on a number of criteria.

  1. Teaching objectives-whether to give information, to impart skill or to bring change in attitude etc
  2. Nature of subject matter being taught-particular aspect of the technology and whether understanding depends on seeing or not
  3. Nature of audience-their age, education, interest, experience, knowledge, intelligence etc
  4. Size of audience-small or large
  5. Availability of equipments, materials and funds
  6. Skill and experience of the extension agent in preparation and use of audio-visual aids
Last modified: Saturday, 5 May 2012, 5:17 AM