

Defining the objective

  • The first step when planning a presentation using a multimedia projector is to have the objective clearly defined. The objective should be stated in terms of the desired change that is to take place in the behaviour components (knowledge, attitude and skill) of the audience as a result of viewing the presentation.
Audience analysis
  • Analysis of the audience is usually interwoven with definition of the objective, as well as with each successive step in planning the presentation. In each case where the target audience is not well known, it is necessary to analyze their characteristics such as their knowledge about the subject matter, their level of education, age, economic status etc.

List of questions to be considered in planning a multimedia presentation.

  1. What is the objective of the presentation?
  2. What is the subject matter?
  3. Who is the audience?
  4. Why are they being given this message?
  5. Where will the presentation be given?
  6. What are the physical properties of the place of presentation?
  7. When is the presentation scheduled to be shown?
  8. What physical facilities are needed at the place?
  9. Will the original presentation be adequate or will duplicate sets be needed for distribution? How many?
  10. What is the desired running time of the presentation?
  11. Will technical advice about the subject matter be required? Who will provide it?
  12. Will sound be included?
  13. What budget will be required?

Not all of the questions listed will arise in the making of every slide program. A relatively simple show may involve very few of them. Generally, the more complex multimedia presentation, the more factors must be considered.

Last modified: Saturday, 5 May 2012, 5:48 AM