Points to remember in indoor plant selection

Points to remember in indoor plant selection

    1. Select plants with healthy foliage. Avoid plants which have yellow or chlorotic leaves, brown leaf margins, wilted foliage, spots or blotches, spindly growth, torn / damaged leaves.
    2. Select only those plants which appear to be free of insects and diseases. Check the undersides of the foliage and the axils of leaves for signs of insects or disease.
    3. Select plants that look sturdy, clean, well-potted and shapely.
    4. Avoid plants treated with “leaf shines,” which add an unnatural polish to the leaves.
    5. Plants which have new flowers and leaf buds along with young growth are usually of superior quality.
    6. Select plants which require the same environmental conditions of the residential area.

Last modified: Tuesday, 20 December 2011, 6:01 AM