The common grass species used for lawn making.

The common grass species used for lawn making

    The following table gives details of the common grass species used for lawn making.
    S.No Botanical Name Common name Texture Suitable location
    1 Cynodon dactylon Hariyali (or) Doob grass Medium Suitable for open sunny locations; drought; tolerant
    2 Stenotaphrum secundatum St. Augustine grass Coarse Suitable for shady situations; requires frequent watering
    3 Sporobolus tremulus Chain grass Fine Suitable for saline soils and open sunny locations
    4 Poa pratensis Blue grass Medium Suitable for acid soils and suitable for higher elevations
    5 Pennisetum clandestinum Kikiyu grass Rough Grow well in acids soils, suitable for higher elevations.
    6 Zoysia japonica Japan grass Coarse Can grow well in poor sandy soil; open sunny situations
    7 Z. matrella Manila grass Medium Suitable for open sunny situations
    8 Z. tenuifolia Korean grass or velvet grass or carpet grass Fine Suitable for open sunny situations
    9 Cynodon sp. Bermuda grass (or) Hyderabad grass Fine Suitable for open sunny situations
    10 Cynodon sp. Dwarf Bermuda Medium Suitable for open sunny situations
    11 Festuca sp. Fescue grass Coarse Shade tolerant, survive on inferior soils
    12 Paspalum vaginatum Paspalum grass Medium Suitable for open sunny situations

    Based on climatic requirements, lawn grasses are classified as detailed below

    (a) Cool season grasses

    S.No. Common Name Botanical Name
    1 Alkali grass Puccinnellia distans
    2 Annual bluegrass Poa annua
    3 Canada bluegrass Poa compressa
    4 Chewing fescue / creeping red fescue Fescuta rubra
    5 Creeping bentgrass Agrostis palustris
    6 Colonial bentgrass Agrostis tenuis
    7 Crested wheatgrass Agropyron cristatum
    8 Ryegrass Lolium sp.
    9 Kentucky bluegrass Poa pratensis
    10 Red top Agrostis alba
    11 Timothy Phleum pratense
    12 Velvet bentgrass Agrostis canina

    (b) Warm season grasses

    S.No. Common Name Botanical Name
    1 Bahia grass Paspalum notatum
    2 Beach grasses Ammophila sp.
    3 Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon
    4 Buffalo grass Buchloe dactyloides
    5 Carpet grass Axonopus affinis
    6 Centipede grass Eremochloa ophiuroides
    7 Grama grass Bouteloua spp.
    8 Japanese lawn grass Zoysia japonica
    9 Manila grass Zoysia matrella
    10 Orchard grass Dactylis glomerata
    11 Rhodes grass Chloris gayana
    12 Smooth brome grass Bromus inermis
    13 St. Augustine grass Stenotaphrum secundatum

    Types of Lawn

    Types of Lawn

Types of Lawn

Last modified: Monday, 30 April 2012, 6:55 AM