Toxicology - Definition


  • Toxicology is the 'science of poisons'.
  • Poisons are defined as naturally occurring or man-made chemicals, which, following their entry via any route and in relatively small quantities into the body, produce biochemical abnormalities and/or physical lesions. Poisons are also known as toxicants or toxic agents.
  • Like medicine, toxicology is both a science and an art.
  • The science of toxicology is the phase involving observational and data-gathering, while the art of toxicology consists of utilization of data to arrive at the outcome to exposure in human and animal populations.
  • A more descriptive definition of toxicology can be 'the study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organisms and the ecosystems, including the prevention and amelioration of such adverse effects'.
  • Toxicology is concerned with all aspects of poisons and poisoning.
  • It includes the identification, chemical properties and biological effects of poisons as well as the treatment of disease conditions they cause.
  • The science of toxicology helps people make informed decisions and balance RISKS vs. BENEFITS.
  • Toxin is the word reserved to poisons produced by a biological source like venoms and plant toxins. Toxins from plants are called phytotoxins. Toxins from bacteria are called bacterial toxins. Endotoxins are those toxins found within the bacteria and exotoxins are those toxins elaborated from bacterial cells. Toxins from fungi are called mycotoxins. Toxins from lower animals are called as zootoxins. Toxins that are transmitted by a bite or sting are called venoms.
  • Toxinology deals with the study of toxic effects of toxins.
  • Toxicity is the term used to describe the amount of a poison that, under a specific set of conditions causes toxic effects or results in detrimental biologic changes. It is the inherent capacity of a substance to produce toxic effects or detrimental changes on the organism. Toxicity is the adverse end product of a series of events that is inhibited by exposure to chemical, physical or biological agents. Toxicity can manifest itself in a wide array of forms, from mild biochemical functions to serious organ damage and death.
  • Toxicosis is the term used to describe the condition resulting from exposure to poisons. This term is frequently used interchangeably with poisoning and intoxication.
  • Three phases under which toxicology is studied are:
    • exposure phase,
    • toxicokinetic phase and
    • toxicodynamic phase
Last modified: Monday, 26 December 2011, 10:50 AM