Definitive treatment – Surgical correction
Direct apposition
Direct apposition of the fistula is performed only if the fistula is very small.
The mucosa around the fistula is incised.
The gingival flaps are elevated and the edges of the fistula is debrided. The mucosa is then apposed over the defect.
Single-layer flap repair
If the fistula is between the gingival and buccal mucosa, the fistula is debrided and a buccal flap is advanced over the defect.
A rotational flap is done by debriding the fistula and rotating a mucoperiosteal hard palate flap over the defect.
Palate cleft repair by mucosal flap
Double-layer flap repair
This may be performed using tissue surrounding the fistula and a flap from the mucoperiosteum of the hard palate.
Create the first flap by rotating the gingival margins of the fistula medially and apposing with sutures. This flap is covered with a rotational mucoperiosteal hard palate flap.
Uranoplasty staphyloplasty
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 6:06 AM