Affections of the horn
Abnormal horn growth
- Abnormal Growth
- Avulsion of horn (separation of horn cover).
- Fracture of horn.
- Fissures in horn and horn core.
- Horn cancer
Avulsion/evulsion of horn
- Etiology: Direct violence
- Repeated injury by yoke. Direct violence
- Chronic inflammation of keratogenous membrane .
- Horn shell will be loosely attached and falls off.
- The horn core and corium will be exposed.
- Hemorrhage from the site and from the nostril of the affected side .
- Since the bony core is sensitive the condition is often painful.
- The hemorrhage can be easily arrested and regeneration occurs.
- Regional nerve block: Cornual nerve block
- Effecting a cornual nerve block will alleviate the pain and ease the management procedures.
- Clean and disinfect the exposed horn core.
- Protect it with an antiseptic pad and bandage
- Application of Tr. Benzoin bandage will control bleeding.
- Fly repellents also will help to avoid maggot infestation.
- Clean with mild antiseptic lotion and apply or sulphanilamide – shark liver oil or any emollient antiseptic dressing.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 6:11 AM