Nictitans membrane gland


  • The gland of the third eyelid surrounds the base of the T-shaped cartilage.
    • T – Cartilage forms the skeleton of the third eyelid.
    • This gland contributes to the aqueous and mucus phases of the precorneal tear film.
    • This is important in maintaining a healthy ocular surface.

Affections of nictitans gland and its treatment 

Prolapsed nictitans gland

  • The resulting characteristic appearance of a pink, smooth – surfaced swelling protruding around the leading edge of the third eyelid from its inner surface.

Prolapse nictitans Prolapse of the nictitans gland

Prolapse of the nictitans gland

  • Dogs treated with surgical replacement of the gland have a lower incidence of dry eye later in life than dogs that are either left untreated or have the prolapsed gland excised.

Surgical procedure

  • Orbital rim anchorage technique
    • The eyeball was fixed and it is flushed with a dilute Povidone Iodine
    • An incision is made in the medio ventral conjunctival fornix using scissors.
    • Blunt dissection allows access to the periosteum of the medioventral orbital rim.
    • A firm bite of periosteum along the orbital rim is taken using 3 – 0 PDS.
    • The needle is passed dorsally through the most prominent of prolapsed gland.
    • Horizontal bite is taken through the dorsal prominence of the gland.
    • Finally the needle is passed back through the last exit hole to emerge through the original incision thus encircling a large portion of the gland.
    • The suture ends are then tied.
    • Post operatively topical antibiotic is given.
  • Conjunctival pocketing technique
    • The eyeball was fixed and it is flushed with a dilute Povidone Iodine
    • An elliptical incision is made in the apex of the prolapsed gland with a No 11 BP blade and  using scissors  blunt dissection is performed and the conjunctival piece is dissected out. Further a pocket is made around the gland  and the prolapsed gland is repositioned in to this pocket. Continous sutures are applied using 4-0 vicryl taking care to burry the suture ends.


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Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2011, 5:51 AM