Vaccination protects a recipient from pathogenic agents by establishing an immunological resistance to infection. An injected or oral vaccine induces the host to generate antibodies against the disease-causing organisms.
Dr. Edward Jenner discovered the principle of vaccination. Cowpox is a mild cattle disease cause human infection. Where as small pox is an extremely virulent disease with high death rate in human beings.
Jenner inoculated James Phipps, an 8-year old, with exudates from a cowpox pustule. The boy was found to be fully protected against human small pox.
Modern vaccines typically consist of either a killed (inactivated) or a live, non-virulent (attenuated) form of an infectious agent. The infectious agent is grown in culture, purified and either inactivated or attenuated without losing its ability to evoke an immune response.
Last modified: Thursday, 15 September 2011, 11:33 AM