Polymerase chain reaction
Aim: To demonstrate Polymerase chain reaction.
Materials required:PCR primers, 10 X PCR buffer (Tris-HCl, KCl, MgCl2), dNTPs, Taq DNA polymerase, PCR tubes, Micropipettes and Thermal cycler.
Centrifuge the culture samples (2ml) at 10,00 rpm for 1 min.
Resuspend the pellet in 0.5 ml of TE Buffer and wash two or more times with minimum amount of distilled water.
Resuspend the final pellet in 100 u l of TE Buffer. Use 5 u l of this sample for PCR assay.
Heat the samples to 96 ° C for 10 min for denaturation and keep in ice.
Perform amplification of DNA in a total volume of 50 u l.
The reaction mixture contained 5 u l of 10X PCR reaction buffer (50 mM KCl, 20mM MgCl2, 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3).
Primers used at a concentration of 100 m M. The four dNTPs (dATP, dGTP, dTTP and dCTP) used at a final concentration of 10 mM each.
1 ul of Taq Polymerase added.
Amplify in a Thermal cycler for 32 cycles, each cycle consisting of denaturation of DNA for DNA for 2 min at 94 ° C, annealing of the primers for 1 min at 55 ° C and elongation for 2 min at 72 ° C.
Analyze the PCR products by gel electrophoresis on a 1.5 % agarose in Tris AE borate buffer, pH 8.3.
- Define Taq DNA polymerase.
- Write the properties of Taq DNA polymerase.
- Write the advantages of PCR technique.
- Write the role of PCR buffer in PCR.
- Name different methods of PCR.
- Write the applications of PCR.
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 6:26 AM