Intra uterine liquid replacers


  • This is a most important procedure in preventing or minimizing trauma to the birth canal from friction arising during assisted delivery. 
  • Assisted delivery must never be attempted when intra uterine liquids have been lost and the walls of the birth canal and the skin of the fetus dry. 
  • Manipulations inside the birth canal can be more easily and safely performed when the fetus is floating in lubricant liquid.


  • The simplest Intrauterine liquid replacer is soap water 
  • The lubricant solution obtained by boiling 250g linseed in 10 lts of warm water and then filtered while hot (linseed tea). 
  • 1000gms of methylcellulose in 45 litres of warm water 
  • J-tube-poly ethylene polymer – 25%


  • Intrauterine liquid is introduced into the genital tract as anterior as possible over the dorsal aspect of the foetus. 
  • Liquid should be replenished at frequent intervals, 0.5 to 1 litre at a time to permit manipulation and traction.
  • The liquid should be removed after delivery of fetus.
Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 7:26 AM