

  • Another way clients can detect interest and sincerity, and the lack thereof, is by one’s inflections (tone of voice). Reading, “Fluffy looks real good,” for most of us, appears as a cheerful phrase, but if said in a monotone or flippantly might be construed at negative, even sarcastic.
  • Even though it may be difficult to be upbeat at times, pet owners expect veterinary health care team members to be pleasant and courteous. A powerful way to be a spokesperson for the pet’s best interest, is to not only be competent and confident, but to also use a vibrant tone of voice. Along with this approach, be cognizant of other important ways you convey a caring attitude. Proper grooming/personal hygiene, appropriate dress, fresh breath, calling the pet by the correct name and gender are all perceived positively by the pet owner. This environment “sets the stage” for effective communication, and enhances your ability to promote proper pet nutrition.
Last modified: Friday, 4 February 2011, 6:04 AM