Abnormal Plasma proteins - Hyperproteinemia
Hyperproteinemia: (Increased Protein Concentration)
Hyperalbuminemia and Hyperglobulinemia
It depends on the type of globulin that is increased: Increased gamma globulin concentration. /font>
Acute inflammation is the most common cause.
Concentrations of several proteins in the globulin fraction ( e.g., Ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin, and alpha 2 macroglobulin) are increased. These proteins are collectively called as acute phase proteins.
Increased beta globulin concentrations can occur with acute inflammation, nephrotic syndrome, liver disease and immune response.
Concentrations of several acute phase proteins in this fraction ( e.g., C-reactive proteins, complement, ferritin) increase during acute inflammation. /font>
Increased gamma globulin concentration: This fraction includes most of the immunoglobulins. /font>
Increases in gamma globulin concentration are termed as gammopathies and they are divided in to polyclonal ( have broad based peak in the beta and gamma regions) and monoglonal gammopathies ( have a narrow based electrophoretic peak in the beta and gamma regions), which suggests chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g., chronic bacterial, viral, fungal or rickttsial disordrer, parasitism ( cutaneous parasites), cancer and immune mediated diseases. /font>
Multiple myeloma is due to the proliferation of single clone of B lymphocytes.
This clone produces a homogenous type ( monoclonal immunoglobulin) of protein called as paraprotein or M-component.
A/G ratio
Decreased globulins/font>
Last modified: Sunday, 25 September 2011, 7:39 AM