Haematoxylin and Eosin Staining Procedure
Ehrlich's Haematoxylin
Haematoxylin - 2g
Absolute alcohol - 100 ml
Glycerin - 100ml
Distilled water - 100 ml
Glacial acetic acid - 10 ml
Potassium alum approx - 15 g
The haematoxylin is dissolved in the alcohol and the other chemicals are added.
Natural ripening in sunlight takes about 2 months.
It can be chemically ripened by adding sodium iodate using 50 mg for every gram haematoxylin but bench life is shortened.
Eosin Solution
- Eosin Y (water soluble) - 1 g
- Distilled water - 80ml
- 95% alcohol - 320ml
- Glacial acetic acid - 0.4ml
- Dissolve eosin in water and add 95 % alcohol. Add 0.4ml of acetic acid . The stain should be cloudy, add few more drops of acetic acid.
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- Deparaffinise the section by xylol 5-10 minutes
- Remove xylol by absolute alcohol and hydration with down graded alcohols and water.
- Wash in tap water
- Stain with haematoxylin for 3-4 minutes
- Wash in tap water
- Allow the sections in tap water 5-10 mins
- Wash in tap water
- Counterstain with eosin 0.5% until section appear light pink (15 to 30 seconds)
- Wash in tap water
- Blot the section
- Dehydrate with absolute alcohol
- Clear with xylol (15 to 30 seconds)
- Mount in Canada balsam or DPX Mountant
- Keep slides dry and remove air bubbles, if any.
Last modified: Saturday, 24 September 2011, 7:18 AM