Food products of genetically modified animal and marine origin


  • A prominent area of contemporary animal biotechnology research is the development of transgenic animals through genetic engineering (GE) technology.
  • Transgenic animals are produced by introducing an isolated DNA fragment into an embryo so that the resulting animal will express a desired trait.
  • Transgenic animals may be generated by the introduction of foreign DNA obtained through animals of the same species, animals of different species, microbes, humans, cells, and in vitro nucleic acid synthesis.
  • Potential applications for such genetic engineering in the food industry include improved feed use and faster growth; more resistance to disease; meat that is leaner or that has more of some other desirable quality; and possibly even animal waste that is more environmentally benign, synthesis of milk with pharmaceutical agents .
  • The table below provides examples of animal biotechnology involving genetic modification applicable to the food industry.


Animal Model

Transgenic Source

Faster Growth or leaner meat

Cattle, Swine, Rabbits, Sheep

Growth hormones/factors: Human, Bovine, Porcine, Rat, Chicken

Altered milk composition (higher protein)


Extra copies of casein genes; disruption of lactoglobulin gene

Anti-clotting drug production in milk


Human anti-thrombin gene

Faster Growth

Atlantic Salmon

Growth hormone regulating gene from Pacific Chinook Salmon and a promoter from an ocean pout

  • The anti-clotting agent in goat milk is the first such application to be approved by the FDA in March 2009.
  • The aqua advantage salmon is a genetically engineered salmon, whose growth rate has been enhanced and is meant for aquaculture.It is under consideration of the FDA for approval and is likely to be approved.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 6:44 AM