Cross sectional studies (Prevalence, Survey)
It is the simplest form of an observational study.
It is based on the single examination of a cross section of population at one point in time and these things can be applied to the entire population. This study is more useful in chronic cases than short-lived cases.
It is also known as prevalence study because prevalence can be obtained through this study. But this study does not give much information about the natural history of a disease and also incidence rate.
This study investigates relationship between disease (or other associated health-related factors) and hypothesized causal factors in a specified population during a specified period of time.
Animals are categorized according to the presence or absence of disease and hypothesized causal factors.
Inference can be made about the association between the disease and the hypothesized causal factors.
Technically cross-sectional studies provide a snap shot of events at a particular time.
The point of time may range from instant to longer periods although all are treated as static point in time events.
For the purpose of causal interpretation, cross-sectional studies are best suited to study the permanent factors such as breed, sex or blood type.
Disease prevalence and proportions in the exposed and unexposed populations can be estimated.
Relatively quick to mount and conduct.
Current records can be used occasionally.
No risk to subjects.
Allow study of multiple potential cause of disease.
Unsuited for the study of rare diseases.
Unsuited for the study of diseases of short duration.
Control of extraneous variables may be incomplete.
Incidence in exposed and unexposed cannot be estimated.
Temporal sequence of cause and effect cannot be determined.
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 4:59 AM