Introduction - World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE)
OIE is an intergovernmental organization created by the International Agreement of 25 January 1924 signed by 28 countries.
Its headquarters is in Paris, France. Incursions of rinderpest into Europe and most notably the epizootic which occurred in Belgium in 1920 led to the creation of the Office Internationale des Epizooties in 1924.
As on 2010, OIE totaled 176 Member Countries.
OIE maintains permanent relations with more than 20 other international organizations.
The office is placed under the authority and control of an International committee consisting of Delegates designed by the governments of member countries. The office has appointed regional coordinators on all 5 continents.
A Central Bureau headed by a Director General who is appointed by an International committee conducting the activities of the organization.
The OIE has 5 regional commissions covering to promote co-operations, study problems encountered by Veterinary Services and organize cooperation activities on a regional level.
Each commission promotes regional co-operation in animal disease control, mainly by holding conferences, on an average once in two years.
The proceedings of these conferences at which several topics of general interests are discussed and published. There are 4 specialist commissions and they are
Foot and Mouth disease commission
The Norms commission (concerned with standards for diagnostic methods and vaccine production)
International Zoo-sanitary code commission (provides recommendations on the import/export of animals and animal products)
Fish disease commission
Administrative commission
Financial Resources
International relations
OIE has permanent working relations with over 20 other International organizations including FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), WHO (World Health Organization), WTO (World Trade Organization), IICA (Inter-American Institute for Co-operation of Agriculture), PAHO (Pan American Health Organization).
Strategic Plan of OIE, 2010
The Delegates of the 176 OIE Members adopted the 5th Strategic Plan which sets a roadmap for OIE global missions in animal health and welfare over the years 2011-2015.
The Plan sets new fields of action for the organization:
More activities directed to food security, poverty alleviation and animal health and veterinary public health;
More focus on the “One Health” concept and other matters of cooperation with partner organizations;
The impact of climate and environmental changes on animal disease emergence and occurrence as well as the impact of animal production on climate change.
The Plan also provides for a continuation of priorities emphasized in the previous Plans, in particular the 4th Strategic Plan (2006-2010).
World Veterinary Year
Last modified: Friday, 23 September 2011, 9:34 AM