Murine typhus
Type of zoonosis
Reservoir and incidence
Transmitted by flea or lice (Xenopsylla cheopis, Nosopsyllus fasciatus) to rodents or man.
Humans are infected by flea bites and contamination of broken skin or conjunctiva by flea faeces.
Domestic animals may transport the flea vector to humans.
Inhalation of contaminated dust may be a route of infection.
Disease in animals
Disease in man
Gradual onset of fever with severe headache, rigors, generalized pains and dry cough for about 2 weeks.
A macular rash appears by about 5 days, first appearing on the trunk and lasting about six days.
CNS manifestations are possible.
Damage is caused to vascular endothelia by invasion of rickettsia, possibly leading to thrombosis and haemorrhage.
Case fatality rate is 1-2% in untreated cases.
Serology by CFT or FAT.
Prevention and control
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 5:39 AM