Components of epidemiological samples
Farm owner(s) profile
- Farm name
- Farm owner(s) name
- Address of the owner (s)
Host profile
- Species affected
- Breed, age group and sex affected
Disease profile
- Total no. of animals affected
- Total no. of animal died
- Previous history of outbreak
- Vaccination history
- Treatment and response particulars
Possible reason (s) for suspected outbreak
- Initial source of purchase of breeding stock
- Addition particulars of the stock
- Grazing: Mixing of other farm animals
- Animal movement particulars (Inter/Intra)
Topography of the farm
- Location of the farm
- Orientation of the farm
- Presence of factories near by
- Soil type
- Grazing land (Pasture grass)
- Water stagnation/drainage details
Housing particulars
- Type of housing
- Roofing particulars
- Flooring
- Spacing
- Ventilation
Feeding particulars
- Concentrate feed
- Roughages
- Usage of unconventional feeds
Watering particulars
- Source of water
- Sanitizers used
Movement particulars
- Inanimate vehicle: Truck/equipment/other
- Animate vehicle: Vectors/Visitors/other species
Meteriological particulars (Monthly average and sudden change if any)
- Temperature (maximum and minimum)
- Relative humidity
- Rain fall
- Wind velocity & direction
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 5:51 AM