1. S. No.:
2. Name of the owner (s):
3. Address of the owner:
4. Details of the farm owner:
5. Family particulars:
6. Labour particulars:
- Family labour / Private labour:
- No. of sheds / animals attended per day:
- Health status of labour:
7. Topography of the farm:
- Location: Hills / Pains / Valley / others
- Area: Urban / Rural / Semi urban
8. Nearest main road and market:
9. Distance between adjacent farm:
10. Location of industries near by the farm:
- Cement / Chemicals/ Leather / Steel / Textile / Sugar cane / Glass / Others
11. Micro / Macro climatic condition:
- Maximum temperature
- Minimum temperature
- Humidity
- Wind velocity
12. Rain fall details:
13. Type of farming:
- Single farming / mixed farming / Agriculture / Animal Husbandry / Horticulture / Aquaculture
14. Date of start:
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry
15. Categories of livestock:
- Cattle
- Buffalo
- Sheep
- Goat
- Pig
- others
- Predominant category
- Breeds particulars
16. Initial source of animal:
17. Introduction of new animals:
18. Breeding particulars:
19. Calving particulars:
20. System of rearing:
- Intensive / Semi-intensive / Extensive
21. Type of shelter:
- Floor space:
- Ventilation:
22. Feeding particulars :
- Type of pasture land:
- Area:
- Pasture land predominantly covered by:
- Green fodder: Level of feeding:
- Grasses:
- Cereals:
- Legumes:
- Others:
- Dry fodder Level of feeding:
- Cereals:
- Legumes:
- Others:
- Silage: Level of feeding:
- Concentrate: Own preparation / commercial
- Level of feeding:
- If commercial source:
- If own preparation ingredient used source of purchase
23. Watering particulars:
- Open well / Bore well / Tank / River / others
- Treated / Untreated
- Water analysis report
24. Production particulars:
- Average Production
- Drop in production
- Other information
25. Disposal of fecal matter / urine:
26. Consultancy service rendered by:
27. Disease status:
- Disease prevalence
- Mass screening test employed
- Laboratory findings
- Status of endoparasitic infestation
- Deworming particulars
- Following schedule or not
- If following, schedule
- Dewormer used
- Status of ectoparasitic infestation
- Measures taken against control of ectoparasites
- Treatment particulars
- Vaccination particulars
- Vaccines used against
- Dose & Schedule followed
- Source of purchase
- Biosecurity measures adopted
28. Other information: