Reporting of animal diseases
Any significant epidemiological event should be reported within 24 hours of the occurrence.
Thereafter, they must provide progress reports on a weekly basis until such time as the situation becomes stable or the disease concerned has been eradicated.
The sending of weekly reports should stop once a disĀease has become enzootic.
The form can also be used to report the lifting of sanitary measures when it is considered that all the recorded outĀbreaks have been eliminated.
Reporting of animal diseases
Every member state reports on animal diseases diagnosed on their own territory.
The OIE makes sure that the relevant information is passed on to other countries, so that they can take preventive action.
Since the beginning of 2006, the OIE has been operating a global electronic reporting system for animal diseases - the World Animal Health Information System WAHIS.
All member states are under an obligation to enter immediate, semi-annual and annual reports of animal diseases in this system.
Since 2006, the OIE has been in the process of establishing the internet-based Global Early Warning and Response System (GLEWS) for zoonooses (diseases transmissible from animals to humans) together with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the World Food Organisation (FAO).
This is designed to make up for the weaknesses of previous early warning systems .
Last modified: Wednesday, 16 May 2012, 5:55 AM